Weight and Health For Inspectors

A ‘Growing’ Problem
At A Disadvantage
If you are an inspector, you already know maintaining a healthy weight is often hard to do. Inspectors are at a disadvantage when it comes to maintaining a healthy weight. As inspectors, we often work long days with little or no time to prepare healthy foods. The quickest and easiest food is usually what gets grabbed for breakfast, lunch, and even dinner. To make matters worse, many inspectors are bored and pass the time every evening when they get off of work by having a few more snacks. So, it’s no surprise that so many inspectors struggle with a few extra pounds (and by ‘a few’ I mean a lot).
I’m an inspector, so I get it. Seriously, my problem is that even while I am writing this, that burger looks really good!
Difficulties Are On The Way
What does this mean for us? Well, it depends on several factors such as weight, age, and exercise level, to name just three. If you are overweight and not very active, it really increases your chances of having issues with your health.
You’re probably not going to like this ideal weight calculator (I sure don’t), but I remember when this was closer to the norm (think of the 70’s). Today most people will just say BS, and ignore it. Go ahead, check your ideal weight, get mad, sad, or depressed, then come back because I have more to tell you.
Ideal Weight Calculator
A new analysis of almost one million people from around the world has shown that obesity can trim years off life expectancy. Moderate obesity, which is now common, reduces life expectancy by about 3 years, and that severe obesity, which is still uncommon, can shorten a person’s life by 10 years. This 10-year loss is equal to the effects of lifelong smoking. – ScienceDaily.com
Obesity and/or poor eating habits can shorten your life!
Do your own research and see for yourself. Being overweight and/or eating high carbs and sugar can increase your health risks. Naturally, you need to follow your doctor’s orders, but getting to a healthy weight is almost always a good idea. If you’re an overweight inspector with a low activity level, you’re asking for trouble.
So, What Can You Do?
For starters, see your health care provider on a regular basis. That’s very important.
If they give you the thumbs up, make a plan to lose some weight. Increase your activity, but the odds are that walking or working out alone isn’t enough to help you lose much weight. You will have to change your diet. How much you eat and, most importantly, what you eat, is key.
That’s not going to be easy, but it can be done… and you can do it!
Consider making these changes (If approved by your doctor).
- Increase your vegetable intake a lot.
- You can eat some fruit, but not too much.
- Stop eating fast food as much as you possibly can.
- Cut out fried foods as much as possible.
- Lower your intake of sugar and carbohydrates.
- Move! Work out morning and evening. If you are not in good enough shape to do that – Walk.
If you’re really serious about understanding how more about how to do this, watch this video. I’m not getting anything $ from this guy. I don’t know him and have never met him, but he seems legit. He has a lot of very helpful videos. As always, check with your doctor before following any advice (including mine).
We might never satisfy the ‘Ideal Weight’ people, but we can get healthier. I’m not telling you that this will be easy, but I’ve seen it done, and you can do it too!